I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner of Verna Law. But chances are you already knew that! Hey, it's the middle of February and what does everyone say about the middle of February? It's my favorite time of year. Like, nobody says that about the middle of February, but...
Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law
Victory in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board – Verify Him, LLC vs. Jessica Lanning
Verna Law, P.C. is proud to announce the dismissal of Verify Him, LLC vs. Jessica Lanning, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Opposition No. 91252600, in which Verna Law represents Ms. Lanning, the Defendant in the case. In its Notice of Opposition, the plaintiff,...
Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement?
Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement? And what does it mean for the small business going into court? Recently, the Chicago Cubs were sued for copyright infringement. I kind of find it weird that I'm going to be suing a baseball team...
Verna Law Trade Dress FAQ
Trade dress is the characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging (or even the design of a building) that signify the source of the product to consumers. Trade dress is a form of intellectual property. Trade dress consists of the unique,...
Verna Law Copyright Law FAQ
A Copyright is best described as a set of rights granted by the government for the expressions of ideas or information. Quite literally, it is the set of rights the owner has to allow copies of the expression to be made. In the United States, the following...
Verna Law Trademark Law FAQ
A trademark is any brand name, logo, slogan, or other item that relates to the source of goods and services and the quality of those goods and services.Trademark law is a form of consumer protection.One company puts its mark on its goods or services in order to show...
Video Blog 23: Algorithm and Business Method Patents: Searches Needed
Here at Verna Law, one of our goals of 2020 is to keep growing our patent practice, especially with our patent agent, Wil Jacques. Recently we've had a couple phone calls with potential clients who have business method or algorithmic patent ideas. In the last four or...
Video Blog 22: Patents for Colors? Yes. It’s a Process Patent!
Back in 2014, a company called Surrey Nanosystems received a patent for a color that is so black and absorbs 94% of all light. Let me take a step back there. You don't receive a patent on the color. You receive a patent on the process for making such a new advancement...
Video Blog 21: Trademark Infringement: What are Practical Effects?
Some statistics for 2019 are coming in in the trademark world. And in these particular statistics, one survey from CompuMark, a company from Clarivate Analytics and a company that does all of the Verna Law trademark searching, we're finding that for trademark...
Provisional vs. Non-Provisional Patent
Navigating the Waters of Provisional vs. Non-Provisional Patent Applications: A Strategic Guide In the complex journey...
What Trademark Class is a Video Game In?
What Trademark Class are Video Games In? The complex answer is that video games can appear in multiple trademark...
How Long do Trademarks Last?
How long do trademarks last? This question has a famous short answer with a much longer answer to follow. Trademarks...