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Episode 3: A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit is Dismissed
In Episode 3, I am joined by Jim Cushing. Jim is a lawyer at The Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C. , focusing on family, real estate, and unemployment law. Jim is a big fan of the band Yes and discussed a copyright infringement case that a...

Episode 2: An Introduction to Copyrights
Welcome to Episode 2 of the "Law & Business" podcast: An Introduction to Copyrights. In this edition, I talk about what a copyright is, what rights a copyright owner has, and some thoughts for businesses that create works that fall under...
Episode 1: Trademark Licenses and Likelihood of Confusion with Michelle Carter
In this episode, guest Michelle Carter joins me to talk about trademark licenses and a basic idea of what a likelihood of confusion is. In trademark licenses, it is imperative that the licensor insists upon having standards in the product and...

Episode 0: A podcast introduction
This is an introduction to the "Law & Business" podcast. My focus in my law practice is on intellectual property. So, I wanted to discuss a series of questions that a potential client asked me on the phone earlier in the day: What do I need to...
Are You Participating in Content Marketing?
Content marketing is a powerful tool. Many businesses are advertising by writing a daily diary or blog of issues in their areas, posting content on websites (and, often, allowing others to post content on their own websites), and finding revenue streams through all...
On the Redskins’ Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Ruling
What happened? The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board cancelled several trademark registrations that Pro Football, Inc. owns for the Washington Redskins. What does that mean? In short, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board is a federal court that only hears objections to...
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