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How to Trademark a Name
Yes, you can “trademark your name.” But, first, what does it mean to “trademark my name”? If your business name, phrase, slogan, tagline, product name is being used to identify goods or services with your business, then it is a trademark. The registration of a...

Why is a United States Trademark Search Necessary?
A United States trademark search is necessary for due diligence purposes. At Verna Law, a United States trademark search is performed before every trademark application is filed. There are many reasons for this, which will be explored below. Since...

Video Blog 31: Patent FAQ: Can I get a Patent on my Software Invention?
This is another video blog to go with our Patent Law FAQ - we hope you continue to enjoy our video blogs. Here is a lighted-edited transcript of the blog: Can I get a patent on my software? I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner of Verna Law, P.C, where we focus on...

Video Blog 30 Patent FAQ: What is a Patent?
At Verna Law, P.C., we are doing a series of video blogs that coincide with our FAQs. This video answers the question "What is a patent?" Hi, I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner of Verna Law, P.C. where our team focuses on intellectual property and advertising law....

Trademark Definition – Marks and Goods or Services
A trademark is a form of intellectual property – such as a word, phrase, stylized word, logo, color or sound – that allows a consumer to understand the source of goods or services (the company that makes the specific goods or provides the services) and the quality of...

Video Blog 29: Copyright vs Trademark
The full transcript of this video blog can be seen on our Copyright vs. Trademark page:
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