Episode 9: Three Ways in Which Business Hurt Themselves in Online Marketing In this episode, I speak with Darcy Knapp, who is an Search Engine Optimization Expert and consultant, about the issues that businesses have in marketing themselves online, especially in...
Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law
Episode 8: Two Ways in Which Bands are Businesses and Intellectual Property and Contract Mistakes Sink Them
In Episode 8, I finish the discussion of the copyright infringement case between Roger Dean - famous for his 70s album covers - and James Cameron (and other producers of the movie "Avatar") with James Cushing of the Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen in...
Episode 7: Inspiration, Independent Author Entrepreneurship, and Copyright Law with J. Thorn
In this episode, I speak to J. Thorn, horror and dark fantasy author. J and I talk about what inspires his writing. I laughed heartily when he said that the most-asked question to him is, "How do you sleep at night?" But J is an author who sees...
Episode 6: Logo Design Discussion with Paul Lukas and Trademark Analysis
In Episode 6, I talk with Paul Lukas, ESPN's uniform reporter and the host of the UniWatch blog. We discuss classic logo design and what makes classic logo design. Paul digs deep into his repository of design critique to offer some tips to the logo...
Episode 5: Five Mistakes Bloggers Make That Get Them Sued
In this episode, Michelle Carter and I discuss some of the mistakes that bloggers make which result in a lawsuit. This can include trademark infringement (naming a blog after a registered trademark), copyright infringement (in pictures and music),...
Episode 4: What to do if Your Business is Sued
In this episode, I speak with Daniel Sollecito, who has had a distinguished career in law, handling antitrust and commercial litigation. We discuss preparing for litigation, document retention, and communications between the attorney and the client...
Episode 3: A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit is Dismissed
In Episode 3, I am joined by Jim Cushing. Jim is a lawyer at The Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C. , focusing on family, real estate, and unemployment law. Jim is a big fan of the band Yes and discussed a copyright infringement case that a...
Episode 2: An Introduction to Copyrights
Welcome to Episode 2 of the "Law & Business" podcast: An Introduction to Copyrights. In this edition, I talk about what a copyright is, what rights a copyright owner has, and some thoughts for businesses that create works that fall under...
Episode 1: Trademark Licenses and Likelihood of Confusion with Michelle Carter
In this episode, guest Michelle Carter joins me to talk about trademark licenses and a basic idea of what a likelihood of confusion is. In trademark licenses, it is imperative that the licensor insists upon having standards in the product and...
How to Trademark a Name
Yes, you can “trademark your name.” But, first, what does it mean to “trademark my name”? If your business name,...
Why is a United States Trademark Search Necessary?
A United States trademark search is necessary for due diligence purposes. At Verna Law, a United States trademark...
Video Blog 31: Patent FAQ: Can I get a Patent on my Software Invention?
This is another video blog to go with our Patent Law FAQ - we hope you continue to enjoy our video blogs. Here is a...