Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

Verna Law Video Blog 36: The Trademark Modernization Act of 2020

Lightly-edited transcript of the blog entry: Hi, I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner, Verna Law. Let's talk a little bit about the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020. That's right. Congress passed a COVID spending bill and tucked in some other legislation. Congress,...

Verna Law Video Blog 35: New Higher Fees at the USPTO for 2021

Hi, I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner, Verna Law. You can see us on the web at So 2021 is coming up - Happy New Year! That's why we're dressed casually: It's the holiday season.! However, the patent and trademark office has said big changes come in...

Law and Business Podcast Episode 60 – with Polina Chtchelok – How to Define a Business vs. a Startup

Coming aboard the "Law & Business" Podcast is Polina Chtchelok. Polina is an Australian lawyer and engineer. She started her career in the energy sector, where after having lived in 5 different countries and working on various investments and projects, she saw a...

Law & Business Podcast: Episode 59 Musician Andromeda Turre has Copyright Questions

It's always fun when your friends drop in for a podcast episode. My guest this time is my friend, the talented and lovely Andromeda Turre. Andromeda is a jazz singer whose latest project is called Growing up Jazz, a series about the influence of jazz on the American...