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About Me

Verna Law is an Intellectual Property Law Firm specializing in Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents, Domain Name Disputes, Advertising and Promotions Law and Food Law.
How Long Does a Patent Last?

How Long Does a Patent Last?

How Long Does a Patent Last? (In the United States) Introduction Understanding the duration of a patent is crucial for inventors, businesses, and anyone involved in innovation. Patents provide exclusive rights to the patent owner, allowing them to prevent others from...

Can You Trademark Your Own Name?

Can You Trademark Your Own Name?

Can You Trademark Your Own Name? In today’s world, where personal branding is more important than ever, many individuals wonder whether they can trademark their own name. Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or public figure, securing trademark protection...

Can You Trademark a Quote?

Can You Trademark a Quote?

Can You Trademark a Quote? Trademarks play a crucial role in brand identity, helping businesses distinguish their products and services from others in the market. While many people are familiar with the concept of trademarking brand names or logos, fewer understand...

Section 102 of the Patent Act

Section 102 of the Patent Act

Navigating Section 102 of the Patent Act: Protecting Your Innovations Understanding the nuances of Section 102 of the Patent Act is crucial for inventors and businesses looking to secure patent protection. This section, which governs what constitutes prior art, can be...

Section 103 of the Patent Act

Innovation vs. Invention

Innovation vs. Invention: Understanding the Key Differences and Their Impact on the Business World In the fast-paced business world, terms like "innovation" and "invention" are often used interchangeably, but they hold distinct meanings. Understanding these...