In today's troubled economic times, companies that fall may want to declare bankruptcy. Companies with registered trademarks may want to continue to use the trademarks and not lose any value in the brands. However, protecting the trademark from the beginning is...
Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law
Law & Business Episode 56: Changing Mindsets with Jim Frawley
In Episode 56 of the "Law & Business" podcast, Anthony speaks to Jim Frawley of Bellwether (at, an executive coach. Jim helps his clients with that a slight push, or a friendly face when they try something new. Whatever you want Jim and...
Law & Business Episode 55 with Chelsey Pendock: Advertise in Difficult Times
In Episode 55 of the "Law & Business" Podcast, Anthony speaks with Chelsey Pendock of Innovision Advertising. Innovision is an advertising placement agency and Chelsey discusses the sudden changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes which businesses are...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 54: A Unique Product does not a Business Make
It is our final episode with the Nessa Group, even though our relationship will last a long time. In this episode, the Nessa Group discusses a business with a unique and very special product. The product has the ability to help other businesses greatly. However, the...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 53: A Plush Toy Client Begins with Consultants
It is the seventh and penultimate episode of this special mini-series with the Nessa Group, in which the discussion is about a plush toy company that is a start-up. The toy company has been able to services from Verna Law and the Nessa Group in order to get started -...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 52: The Importance of Accredited Investors in Venture Capital
Be well, everyone. Thank you for listening. Do not forget to rate the "Law & Business" Podcast on your podcast app! In this roundtable episode with the Nessa Group, we discuss the importance of accredited investors in venture capital, what it means to be an...
Verna Law, P.C. Patent Law FAQ
A patent in the United States is a government grant of a property right, giving the patentee (the owner of the patent) the right to exclude others from making, using, or offering for sale the patented invention in the United States for a period of time.One key...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 51: A Nessa Group Case Study with Improving a Plush Company’s Business
In Episode 51 of the "Law & Business" Podcast, we take a look at a company that makes a plush product that is also a curtain tie-back. It is a very useful product, but one that also features the ability to be very fanciful. So the group takes a look at how the...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 50: Big Business Changes with Amy Birks
In our big 50th episode of the "Law & Business" podcast, Anthony sits down with Amy Birks, a strategic growth advisor for businesses. Amy has over a decade of experience in corporate finance, developing strategies and managing projects, and six years creating...
Free Advertising – What does the FTC Think?
Free Advertising - What does the FTC Think? "Free" offers in advertising are governed partially by the FTC Act in the...
How to Transfer a Trademark
How To Transfer a Trademark The owner of a trademark can agree to transfer a trademark in a trademark assignment...
What is Copyright Infringement?
Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of a work that qualifies under the Copyright Act for copyright...