Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

How to value Trademarks?

How to value Trademarks? One stumbling block for many businesses is in valuing intellectual property. The stumbling block is important to consider because intellectual property takes time and money to register and enforce. Valuation is important to show on a company’s...

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Episode 15 – Games for Promotions and Daily Fantasy Sports

Episode 15 – Games for Promotions and Daily Fantasy Sports

The newest trend is daily fantasy sports.

Taking a step back, what makes a game used in promotion not gambling?  And what, then, makes a daily fantasy sports business model not gambling?

In order to use a game for promotion, the sponsor of the game must remove one of three key elements of the game:

  • Chance
  • Prize
  • Consideration

So, daily fantasy sports like Draft Kings and Fan Duel must be able to do that in order to run a non-gambling game.

But those games also must have a set of rules and must also be run fairly, with a level playing field.

Would you like to run a game in order to promote your business?  Call or send an e-mail.  914-358-6401 or

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Episode 14 – The sale of 4chan and Internet Privacy

Episode 14 – The sale of 4chan and Internet Privacy

In Episode 14 of the “Law & Business” podcast, Anthony and Oz Sultan (Sultan Interactive Group LLC) talk about the sale of 4chan and how that intersects with Internet privacy.

Internet privacy is an oxymoron. Any website that is accessible for free means that there’s a product involved. (In this particular case, it is the services of Verna Law, P.C.) In many cases, if there is user-generated content, the content and the user are the products. Meaning that the website can only monetize by keeping track of the users and understanding the users’ behavior, and, ultimately, selling that information to other websites that need the same information.

Oz Sultan

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Law & Business Podcast Episode 50: Big Business Changes with Amy Birks

In our big 50th episode of the "Law & Business" podcast, Anthony sits down with Amy Birks, a strategic growth advisor for businesses. Amy has over a decade of experience in corporate finance, developing strategies and managing projects, and six years creating...

Law & Business Podcast Episode 49: Local Journalism with John Knebels

In Episode 49 of the "Law & Business" podcast, we have a chat with John Knebels. Knebs - as he is affectionately known - is a long-time local sports journalist in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Anthony and Knebs sat down in the public view in a local Panera...

Public Performance of a Copyrighted Work

There seems to be a dichotomy when it comes to different media and how they are publicly performed in the Copyright Act in the United States. Why? In any medium, the public performance of a copyrighted work without permission or a license is copyright infringement as...

Law & Business Episode 48: Tina Vignali of the blog Traveleidoscope

On Episode 48 of the "Law & Business" podcast, it's Tina Vignali of the blog Traveleidoscope. We have a friendly chat about what the blog means from a business model standpoint and some hot travel topics as the world is beginning to not be friendly to travel for...