Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

More Thoughts on the Higbee, PicRights, Oppenheimer, KodakOne, Pixsy, and Photoclaim Demand Letters

In our previous blog post about copyright demand letters, we discussed some ways to respond to the letters. Since then, I have complied some questions that this firm has received about these letters. Should you have any questions about a copyright demand letter that...

Where does the Trademark Symbol Go?

Where does the Trademark Symbol Go? The r-in-a-circle ® symbol for a federally registered trademark must be placed next to the trademark. The circle r symbol is only for an official trademark registration and not for common law trademarks.  Unregistered trademarks are...

IP Lawyer vs. Patent Attorney

Navigating the World of Intellectual Property: IP Lawyers vs. Patent Lawyers Here at Verna Law, P.C., we receive phone calls and e-mails asking for "IP Lawyers" or "Patent Attorneys." Our setup is quite simple.  Our Managing Partner is Anthony Verna.  Our Patent Agent...

How to Patent an Idea

Patent My Idea Unlocking the Potential of Your Idea: A Guide to Patenting with Verna Law, P.C. Are you eager to transform your innovative concept into a protected invention? You can patent your idea!  At Verna Law, P.C., we specialize in navigating the intricate...