Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

Episode 0: A podcast introduction

Episode 0: A podcast introduction

This is an introduction to the "Law & Business" podcast. My focus in my law practice is on intellectual property.  So, I wanted to discuss a series of questions that a potential client asked me on the phone earlier in the day:  What do I need to...

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Is Your Trademark “Incontestable”?

Once a trademark has been successfully registered, the owner is required to manage, maintain, monitor and enforce the mark.  One step too few owners fully take advantage of is to have the mark deemed "incontestable" by the USPTO.  An "incontestable" trademark means...

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Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement?

Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement? And what does it mean for the small business going into court? Recently, the Chicago Cubs were sued for copyright infringement. I kind of find it weird that I'm going to be suing a baseball team...

Verna Law Trade Dress FAQ

Trade dress is the characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging (or even the design of a building) that signify the source of the product to consumers. Trade dress is a form of intellectual property. Trade dress consists of the unique,...

Verna Law Copyright Law FAQ

A Copyright is best described as a set of rights granted by the government for the expressions of ideas or information. Quite literally, it is the set of rights the owner has to allow copies of the expression to be made. In the United States, the following...

Verna Law Trademark Law FAQ

A trademark is any brand name, logo, slogan, or other item that relates to the source of goods and services and the quality of those goods and services.Trademark law is a form of consumer protection.One company puts its mark on its goods or services in order to show...