This is an introduction to the "Law & Business" podcast. My focus in my law practice is on intellectual property. So, I wanted to discuss a series of questions that a potential client asked me on the phone earlier in the day: What do I need to...
Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law
Are You Participating in Content Marketing?
Content marketing is a powerful tool. Many businesses are advertising by writing a daily diary or blog of issues in their areas, posting content on websites (and, often, allowing others to post content on their own websites), and finding revenue streams through all...
On the Redskins’ Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Ruling
What happened? The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board cancelled several trademark registrations that Pro Football, Inc. owns for the Washington Redskins. What does that mean? In short, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board is a federal court that only hears objections to...
New York State To Change Criminal Trademark Counterfeiting Penalties
New York State is set to increase the penalties for criminal trademark infringement starting November 1, 2014. The New York State Senate passed the bill this week. The legislation serves to rework the penalty structure for trademark counterfeiting in order to provide...
What Damages are Available in Trademark Infringement Lawsuits?
There are monetary damages and injunctions available as damages in trademark infringement lawsuits. The monetary remedies available in trademark infringement actions are based on the actual damages suffered by a trademark owner. These damages may include profits lost...
Is Your Trademark “Incontestable”?
Once a trademark has been successfully registered, the owner is required to manage, maintain, monitor and enforce the mark. One step too few owners fully take advantage of is to have the mark deemed "incontestable" by the USPTO. An "incontestable" trademark means...
What are the Final Steps in a Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Case?
The final steps in a Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) case involve the trial period, submission of evidence, and the potential for oral arguments. Here's a breakdown of these crucial stages: Trial Period and Evidence Submission Initiation of Trial Period: After...
U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office Announces New Fee Schedule
U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office Announces New Fee Schedule Starting on May 2, 2014, the U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office will have a new fee schedule that reflects a multiyear process of studying current fees, evaluating budget requirements, and...
Victory in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
Sensoria Wins Court Ruling and Becomes Registered Trademark Kravitz & Verna PLLC won a motion to dismiss in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”), in a case in which the trademark of SENSORIA from Heapsylon LLC was threatened. The case is Feel the World,...
Video Blog 30 Patent FAQ: What is a Patent?
At Verna Law, P.C., we are doing a series of video blogs that coincide with our FAQs. This video answers the question...
Trademark Definition – Marks and Goods or Services
A trademark is a form of intellectual property – such as a word, phrase, stylized word, logo, color or sound – that...
Video Blog 29: Copyright vs Trademark
The full transcript of this video blog can be seen on our Copyright vs. Trademark page:...