Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

What are the DuPont Factors?

What are the Dupont Factors?                                                  The scope of a trademark – either its use or its application for registration – is determined by whether there is “likelihood of confusion” (note that this is different from whether there...

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Video Blog 31: Patent FAQ: Can I get a Patent on my Software Invention?

This is another video blog to go with our Patent Law FAQ - we hope you continue to enjoy our video blogs. Here is a lighted-edited transcript of the blog: Can I get a patent on my software? I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner of Verna Law, P.C, where we focus on...

Video Blog 30 Patent FAQ: What is a Patent?

At Verna Law, P.C., we are doing a series of video blogs that coincide with our FAQs. This video answers the question "What is a patent?" Hi, I'm Anthony Verna, managing partner of Verna Law, P.C. where our team focuses on intellectual property and advertising law....

Trademark Definition – Marks and Goods or Services

A trademark is a form of intellectual property – such as a word, phrase, stylized word, logo, color or sound – that allows a consumer to understand the source of goods or services (the company that makes the specific goods or provides the services) and the quality of...

Video Blog 29: Copyright vs Trademark

The full transcript of this video blog can be seen on our Copyright vs. Trademark page: