Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

What is Prior Art?

What is Prior Art?

What is Prior Art? We discuss the need to do a patent search to find prior art.  What is prior art that the patent search is supposed to find? Prior art does not need to exist physically or be commercially available. It is enough that someone, somewhere, sometime...

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Video Blog 32: Trademark FAQ: How Can Someone Register a Descriptive Trademark?

Trademarks are meant to signify the source and quality of goods or services. Therefore, trademarks that are descriptive are relatively disfavored. How can someone register a descriptive trademark? I discuss in this video blog! Here is a lightly edited version of the...

Where Can you Find a Trademark Lawyer New York?

Trademark Lawyer New York City Are you in need of a trusted trademark lawyer in New York City to safeguard your intellectual property? Look no further! Our team of experienced and dedicated trademark attorneys is here to provide expert legal guidance and protection...

How to Trademark a Name

Yes, you can “trademark your name.”  But, first, what does it mean to “trademark my name”? If your business name, phrase, slogan, tagline, product name is being used to identify goods or services with your business, then it is a trademark. The registration of a...

Why is a United States Trademark Search Necessary?

A United States trademark search is necessary for due diligence purposes. At Verna Law, a United States trademark search is performed before every trademark application is filed.  There are many reasons for this, which will be explored below.  Since...