Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

How to Respond to a Higbee & Associates Copyright Demand Letter

Have You Received a Letter from Higbee & Associates, PicRights, David Oppenheimer, KodakOne, Pixsy, Photoclaim, or another Copyright Owner? Many small business owners find that receiving a copyright demand letter from Higbee & Associates can be an unnerving...

Video Blog: Super Bowl Time! Here are some trademark facts from a lawyer who has fought the NFL several times in court over trademark matters.

It's a fun Super Bowl weekend! So this video blog talks about trademarks for the Super Bowl, the NFL, and teams. Enjoy!

Video Blog: Lizzo tries to register 100% That Bitch as a trademark – denied at first, allowed in the end. Why?

The Patent and Trademark Office of the United States refused to register a Lizzo trademark application for "100% That Bitch" in apparel. The reason why is because a phrase/trademark has to function as a trademark. Taking a T-shirt and puting a phrase on top of it - we...

Video Blog: Thoughts on the OkGo-Post Trademark Infrignement Lawsuit

Let's talk a little bit about the Post cereal lawsuit against OkGo. I think there's been a lot of confusion about that. So I figured even though I'm on the road, let's chat post filed a lawsuit against the band. Okay go. Why Post wants to file a trademark called OkGo...