Articles by Anthony M Verna III Esq.

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Verna Law Trademark Law FAQ

A trademark is any brand name, logo, slogan, or other item that relates to the source of goods and services and the quality of those goods and services.Trademark law is a form of consumer protection.One company puts its mark on its goods or services in order to show...

Video Blog 23: Algorithm and Business Method Patents: Searches Needed

Here at Verna Law, one of our goals of 2020 is to keep growing our patent practice, especially with our patent agent, Wil Jacques. Recently we've had a couple phone calls with potential clients who have business method or algorithmic patent ideas. In the last four or...

Video Blog 22: Patents for Colors? Yes. It’s a Process Patent!

Back in 2014, a company called Surrey Nanosystems received a patent for a color that is so black and absorbs 94% of all light. Let me take a step back there. You don't receive a patent on the color. You receive a patent on the process for making such a new advancement...

Video Blog 21: Trademark Infringement: What are Practical Effects?

Some statistics for 2019 are coming in in the trademark world. And in these particular statistics, one survey from CompuMark, a company from Clarivate Analytics and a company that does all of the Verna Law trademark searching, we're finding that for trademark...