Law & Business Podcast Articles

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Video Blog 14: Celebrities with Trademarks do not Have Superior Rights than You

Recently, I've had a lot of people send me emails. They're asking about celebrities and trademarks. Why? Well, Tom Brady filed for something called TOM TERRIFIC, although I think that nobody calls him that. And, recently, LeBron James filed for TACO TUESDAY in...

Video Blog 13: YouTube’s Copyright Reporting: Weaponized?

Many people have had conversations with me about YouTube's copyright infringement reporting system. I've seen online discussions on Reddit, also, about the system. Bottom line: If you have any videos wrongly removed for infringement, appeal. But have a professional...

Verna Law Video Blog 12: Intent to Use Trademark Applications: Business Plans Needed

Intent-to-use trademark applications. An intent-to-use trademark application requires some other evidence, if it is challenged in court, to show that the applicant has a bona fide intent to use the mark in commerce. If you have a trademark or brand to protect, call...

Video Blog 11: Copyright Infringement Lawsuit for Downloading Porn Online?

Here is a lightly-edited transcript of the video: Recently, Verna Law, P.C. sign a new client who was sued for copyright infringement.  Verna Law, P.C. has had about four cases in the last year that look exactly the same as this particular case. What do they all...