In this episode, Michelle Carter and I discuss some of the mistakes that bloggers make which result in a lawsuit. This can include trademark infringement (naming a blog after a registered trademark), copyright infringement (in pictures and music),...
Law & Business Podcast Articles
Episode 4: What to do if Your Business is Sued
In this episode, I speak with Daniel Sollecito, who has had a distinguished career in law, handling antitrust and commercial litigation. We discuss preparing for litigation, document retention, and communications between the attorney and the client...
Episode 3: A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit is Dismissed
In Episode 3, I am joined by Jim Cushing. Jim is a lawyer at The Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C. , focusing on family, real estate, and unemployment law. Jim is a big fan of the band Yes and discussed a copyright infringement case that a...
Episode 2: An Introduction to Copyrights
Welcome to Episode 2 of the "Law & Business" podcast: An Introduction to Copyrights. In this edition, I talk about what a copyright is, what rights a copyright owner has, and some thoughts for businesses that create works that fall under...
Episode 1: Trademark Licenses and Likelihood of Confusion with Michelle Carter
In this episode, guest Michelle Carter joins me to talk about trademark licenses and a basic idea of what a likelihood of confusion is. In trademark licenses, it is imperative that the licensor insists upon having standards in the product and...
Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement?
Video Blog 24: Why Were the Chicago Cubs Sued for Copyright Infringement? And what does it mean for the small business...
Video Blog 23: Algorithm and Business Method Patents: Searches Needed
Here at Verna Law, one of our goals of 2020 is to keep growing our patent practice, especially with our patent agent,...
Video Blog 22: Patents for Colors? Yes. It’s a Process Patent!
Back in 2014, a company called Surrey Nanosystems received a patent for a color that is so black and absorbs 94% of...