In Episode 49 of the "Law & Business" podcast, we have a chat with John Knebels. Knebs - as he is affectionately known - is a long-time local sports journalist in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Anthony and Knebs sat down in the public view in a local Panera...
Verna Law Blog - Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law
Public Performance of a Copyrighted Work
There seems to be a dichotomy when it comes to different media and how they are publicly performed in the Copyright Act in the United States. Why? In any medium, the public performance of a copyrighted work without permission or a license is copyright infringement as...
Law & Business Episode 48: Tina Vignali of the blog Traveleidoscope
On Episode 48 of the "Law & Business" podcast, it's Tina Vignali of the blog Traveleidoscope. We have a friendly chat about what the blog means from a business model standpoint and some hot travel topics as the world is beginning to not be friendly to travel for...
Video blog 27: How is the Novel Coronavirus Impacting the Intellectual Property System?
Verna Law, P.C. currently has cases in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Southern District of New York, the Eastern District of New York, the District of New Jersey, the Central District of California, and the Western District of Washington. The Trademark...
Filing Copyrights after Publication
A question came in recently: Can you file music copyrights after the music is released? Let's expand this, because the answer applies to copyrights in all media and in all forms. Can you file a copyright after the work is published? Yes. copyright Why and When File a...
What is Copyright Infringement? How does a Plaintiff prove Copyright Infringement?
What does it take to prove copyright infringement? Today, we are going with a very technical post about what it takes to prove copyright infringement. There are many legal citations to cases in order to discuss the deeper issues involved. “In order to make out a...
Anthony Verna discusses the expiration of copyrights at the Flat Circle Blog
The expiration of copyrights is a big topic in 2020 because of the Mickey Mouse situation coming up (and which was discussed in an earlier video blog). This past week (February 2020), I sat down with the Flat Circle Blog and had a discussion about the expiration of...
Law & Business Podcast Episode 47: Intellectual Property Thoughts from Toy Fair 2020
Anthony Verna and Wil Jacques visited Toy Fair 2020. This is Anthony's eleventh Toy Fair and Wil Jacques' fifth Toy Fair. They opened the phone and recorded their thoughts for intellectual property trends they saw from the smaller businesses. Anthony Verna at Toy Fair...
Video Blog 26: What does LeBron James’ Trademark Infringement Suit Teach about Apparel and Trademarks?
America's favorite export, that's right, LeBron James, and his media company, and Nike were all sued for trademark infringement this week in the Federal District Court of Washington D C. Why were they sued for trademark infringement and what does that tell the small...
Should I Copyright or Trademark My Logo?
Should I Copyright or Trademark My Logo? Your logo should probably be protected by both copyright law and trademark...
Can a Trademark be Renewed?
Yes! A federally registered trademark can be renewed between the 9th and 10th years of registration for another ten years.
There is a required filing showing continued use of the federally registered mark between the 5th and 6th years of registration
Patent Office Action
Navigating USPTO Office Actions: A Comprehensive Guide for Inventors Verna Law, P.C. focuses on intellectual property...